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pak'nsave supermarket

Woolworths NZ, two Pak’nSave shops face criminal charges for misleading prices

Under scrutiny over grocery prices, Foodstuffs removes search by price online

Under scrutiny over grocery prices, Foodstuffs removes search by price online

Foodstuffs to launch Pak’nSave flagship in Highland Park

Revamped Pak’nSave Albany showcases Foodstuffs’ newest design for the brand

Foodstuffs opens $46 million Warkworth Pak’nSave

Flood-devastated Auckland Pak’nSave reopens 

Flooding closes New Zealand’s largest Pak’nSave for days

Foodstuffs commits to $40 million Pak’nSave for Warkworth

Pak’canSave program helps Kiwis in need

Supermarkets targeted for misleading pricing

Foodstuffs South Island launches online shopping – town by town

Foodstuffs to remove single-use produce bags

Auckland Pak’nSave store fined for price disparity

Photo of Pak n Save store and vehicle

‘Underpaid’ Pak ‘n Save Richmond workers plan strike

Pak’nSave Mangere accused of misrepresenting prices

Foodstuffs promotes more sustainable practices

Foodstuffs moving Auckland HQ

BNZ launches Android Pay

Major retailers rethink gift card expiries

Countdown claims credit for falling food prices