Landlord investment firm, Kiwi Property, has launched the first 360° virtual reality fashion show in Aotearoa, allowing consumers to see spring fashion collections via headsets.
Launched as the Non-Stop Fashion Show, shoppers are invited to don a VR head set to be transported to the front-row of a fashion show with 360° views of the catwalk, featuring the latest fashion trends from retailers at Kiwi Property-owned centres..
“We hope to provide our customers with an exciting experience in a convenient, inclusive and accessible space; we’d like to show them that style can be fun and attainable,” said Karlee Lightbourne, national marketing manager at Kiwi Property.
“We’re dedicated to create exceptional experiences for our customers, as we continue to evolve in step with demand,” she said.
A 24-camera unit from Jaunt One was used to film the show, which is a Hollywood-quality 360° camera and shoots in every direction.
“Shot in 3D, anyone can come in and put on a headset for a front-row seat at a live high-end fashion show,” said Craig Whitehead, chief creative officer from creative agency 99 who has worked with Kiwi Property on the campaign since late last year.
“It’s all about connecting New Zealand shoppers with fashion inspiration in a whole new way, something we’re really excited about.”
The show is being screened via Vodafone Smart V8 smartphone devices and will feature at
Sylvia Park and LynnMall in Auckland, Centre Place in Hamilton, The Plaza in Palmerston North, Northlands in Christchurch and North City in Porirua.