Millennials have an entirely different set of rules when it comes to shopper behaviour, which provides a whole raft of challenges to retailers and retail designers. They’re certainly massive disrupters, but with disruption comes opportunity. Our new shoppers, which we must welcome with open arms, have an incredible focus and military precision to find the best deal and this is done because they are heavily powered by mobile and social media. Basically, don’t underestimate how much time t
hey spend on devices.
Millennials expect a seamless shopping experience and if they don’t get it, they’re making tracks to your competitor, who will not only give them a good deal but an extraordinary experience. They are heading for an online shopping experience in droves, but don’t let this fool you because they want to see the same merchandise, pricing, and discounts instore online and on their mobile devices.
Customer service trumps loyalty programs when it comes to winning them over; however if you combine the two, you have a winning combination.
There is certainly an expectation to receive points, discounts or the like in return for loyalty but they demand that this is accompanied by personalised service and includes targeted promotions via text, email or social media.
When they’ve liked you on social media, they actually do like you. Remember this is how millennials generally communicate with their friends and family, so you have been let into their “private” world of sorts. However, don’t go thinking you can get lazy and just “hang around” on social media doing nothing. Engage with your fans and talk to them in a genuine tone of voice but for God’s sake please don’t shout at them. Offer them relevant deals and discounts that will influence their buyer behavior and you’ll be one step ahead.
Keeping up with these whippersnappers means giving them a seriously seamless experience and this isn’t just about the power of your IT and playing the tech game. It’s also about being a little old fashioned and doing the small things we used to expect during yesteryear like going that extra mile, delivering on time, providing handwritten notes to say thank you or sorry, ensuring easy returns and talking to them genuinely. Don’t be a try-hard but be sincere and don’t add anything to the experience that has the propensity to be gimmicky or short-lived.
Lizzi Hines
MD of Spaceworks Design Group
0800 2 FITOUT