If the number of Muffin Break stores in Christchurch is anything to go by, citizens of the Garden City love their coffee and muffins.
And now the southern city is set to get three more before the start of the Christmas shopping season.
It is all part of a New Zealand expansion plan by the bakery cafe chain that will see a total of four new Muffin Break stores open nationally in October and November.
The first was in Auckland’s new NorthWest Shopping Centre in Massey, which opened on October 1, to be followed by Bus Interchange in Christchurch on October 12. The Landing in Christchurch will open on October 31 and Spitfire will open on November 23.
The expansion takes the chain’s overall footprint to 43 stores across the North and South Islands.
Muffin Break GM, Garry Croft, says the company has always had a strong retail presence in Canterbury.
“With the Christchurch rebuild proceeding at pace demand for muffins and coffee has never been stronger here and frankly we are thrilled to play a significant role in the rebuild. There is some great energy and optimism in the city at the moment.”
Croft says Muffin Break is conscious there is still a long way to go in the rebuild for many people. “But we are pleased to contribute to the growth and employment in the city that has always been a big part of our community.
“We think this is especially important in the CBD where we have not had a presence since the disastrous earthquakes. We can’t wait to make our award-winning signature blend coffee and freshly baked and prepared products available more readily in Christchurch.
“With soon to be 11 Muffin Break stores in the region, it’s plain to see Cantabrians love their coffee and a muffin. It’s certainly our main growth region at the moment.”
The Muffin Break chain was founded in Canada in the 1980s and set up its first stores in NZ 21 years ago.