Tav Pacific, Mena, and Laka Gallery have participated in the launching of the Hibiscus Room cervical screening pop up at Onehunga Mall in Auckland.
The Hibiscus Room offers an HPV swab test, which an individual can do alone or with the help of a clinician.
Te Whatu Ora’s National Cervical Screening Program launched the pop-up shop in collaboration with health providers Pasefika Family Health Group and the Village Collective, and the three fashion retailers.
“The uptake of the new HPV self-test continues to grow as our outreach increases,” said Jane O’Hallahan, clinical lead of screening at Te Whatu Ora.
“This is hugely significant for Pacific and other underscreened groups who may have avoided screening due to cultural barriers in particular. The choice to control the test themselves, in private, is already making an impact.”
The test is free for people aged 30 and over who have never had a cervical screening or have not gone through the screening in the last five years.
Free screening is also available for Community Services Card holders and Māori and Pacific people.