3 tips for keeping your retail team motivated in times of uncertainty

Given the impact that Covid-19 has had on the retail industry, a necessary focus for all retailers has been on increasing sales. 

Often this means retailers focus on things like ‘ways to increase conversion rates’ or ‘how to easily upsell products’. But, the last 12 months have taught us that your team’s wellbeing plays a crucial role in sales growth.

Keeping a team motivated to work, is an integral part of running a successful business, regardless of size. 

The trouble is, a lot of managers really struggle to understand what it takes to keep their team motivated and engaged, which often leads to high staff turnover and low performance.

Here are three things you can do right now to keep your team motivated and engaged!

Invest in employee wellbeing initiatives

We all know it’s people who drive business. 

Maintaining mental health at work is a really important factor when it comes to creating the right environment for success which is why we’ve made our Managing Stress & Anxiety course free to all retailers. 

Get FREE Access to RedSeed’s Managing Stress & Anxiety Course

Let’s talk business for a second…

Staff who feel mentally-well have higher job satisfaction and self-esteem. They’re more likely to be engaged at work, be more creative, make better decisions, experience less stress and take fewer days off work.

A study conducted in Australia in 2019 also found that workplaces who take effective action to create mentally healthy workplaces can expect a return on investment of $2.30 for every dollar spent.

Set small, measurable goals

Goal setting is a really great tool for motivating a team.

Once you know what you’re working towards, help your team break it down into small, achievable goals.

By starting small, the chance of success is increased which creates a positive cycle of improved confidence, feelings of success and achievement, and increased motivation to reach for bigger goals.

Spending time setting small, measurable goals is a great way to keep your team on track and show them how their work is making a difference in the business.

Recognise a job well done with real-time coaching

Part of what makes setting small, measurable goals a really great tool for driving motivation within your team is that it provides you with plenty of opportunities to celebrate your team’s success.

READ: Sales Coaching Tips for Retail Managers

Giving recognition is just one part of the Coaching loop, and like any system it works better when all the other parts are done too. Teaching, observing, giving feedback and iteration are all part of skill development which is what we focus on at RedSeed. 

The bottom line is…

If you see something good, say something good. 

Be specific and reward their effort… it’s that simple!

So, if you’re noticing a lack of motivation at your front line – here’s three simple steps you can take to help lift motivation, and improve employee satisfaction:

  • Supporting mental wellbeing at work
  • Set small, measurable goals
  • Recognise a job well-done

The list is not exhaustive, these are just some of our favourites…and some of the tools we use ourselves. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding retail in the current economic climate, and your best chance at success is; ensuring your team is mentally fit, helping ensure they understand what’s expected and making sure they feel supported in their role.

Using its online learning management system, RedSeed can provide API integrations, resources, content, learning pathways and a training dashboard to help your business keep your staff motivated and succeeding. 

To further understand how to implement a training program within your business and drive engagement in your workers, read this article by RedSeed or get in contact with them today.

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