The introduction of a government bill governing Easter Sunday trading hours has elicited disappointment from Retail NZ on the premise that government is not heeding industry concerns. “Retailers want the choice to open their doors at times when their customers want to shop; but Michael Woodhouse’s bill does nothing other than pass the buck on trading rules to local councils, impose costs on communities and ratepayers, and still tries to ban shopping on Good Friday and Christmas Day, des
espite the fact that customers can and do shop 24/7 on these days,” Retail NZ GM, Greg Harford, said.
“We are particularly disappointed that Minister Woodhouse did not consult retailers about the bill, and has refused to meet us to discuss our concerns.”
Workplace Relations Minister Michael Woodhouse said the situation is unfair at present because some businesses and regions are allowed to trade while others cannot.
Harford added that giving 67 local councils the power to make 67 bylaws about Easter trading will mean significant cost for communities, industry, employee groups and councils as they try to cope with a tidal wave of lengthy consultation. “It will be made worse by the fact that the government’s bill allows bylaws to be made for different areas within each council district, and will require a review process every five years. We will likely see a patchwork of confusing and inconsistent rules being applied when a national approach would provide certainty for everyone,” he said
“Nobody should be forced to shop on Easter Sunday, or any other time, no employee should be forced to work, and no business should be forced to open.
“But in 2015, these choices should rest with individuals, employees and business owners, not the government or council bureaucrats.”
Retailers are of the opinion that allowing councils to decide whether shops are allowed to open on Easter Sunday will lead to a patchwork of confusing rules around the country.
The bill says workers will be able to refuse to work on Easter Sunday without having to provide a reason to their employer, in line with Mr Woodhouse’s initial announcement in August.
Unions have expressed their concern that despite protestations to the contrary, workers often yield to pressure to work on Easter Sunday as a result of power relations in the workplace.
Councils and the tourism industry have welcomed the bill.
The change, which was proposed in August, will come into effect in 2017.
Trading restrictions on Good Friday, Anzac Day and Christmas Day shopping are still in place.