Hamilton City Council has launched its draft CBD Transformation Plan that promises to deliver a more vibrant and prosperous city centre to Waikato’s commercial heart.
Working with strategist, First Retail Group, the council has placed major emphasis on the city’s shopping and hospitality offering. This has included extensive consultation with stakeholders, discussions with other successful town centres, and conversations with businesses looking to locate to Hamilton’s CBD.
Key commercial strategies include proposals to consolidate the retail area, develop a cohesive retail identity for the city, curate the mix and offer, and support events that re-engage Hamilton people with the riverside city.
“Hamilton’s vision is bold but can be realised due to the collaborative way this strategy has evolved,” says First Retail Group’s Chris Wilkinson. “Retailers, hospitality operators and property owners have been involved every step of the way, ensuring they ‘own’ the proposed plans.”
The Transformation Plan also involves improving connections through the development of laneways, an activated riverfront, green spaces and intensified investment and business attractions.
“Hamilton is already feeling the ‘Auckland ripple effect’, with house prices and consumer confidence lifting,” said Wilkinson. “Retailer’s from outside the area are again eyeing sites in the CBD.
“These proposals will provide even greater confidence in their investment decisions.”
The draft plan is now out for public consultation with residents, business owners and other interested parties able to provide feedback until October 16.